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That was 2004 when it came to me to switch to college life from school life. A mixed feeling of excitement and fear was there but when i started my study and my life in college it was found the most important chapter of book of my life where I learned all types of important know hows of life. My M.M. college was found best commerce education hub in Haryana state. I cant forget the lectures delivered by our professors that was full of knowledge along with entertainment. Friendly teaching with examples related to routine life made our course so interesting by our professors. Special thanks to Prof. K.L. Anand, Dr. Sanjeev Trikha, Prof. Devinder Gera, Dr. Vikesh Sethi, Ms. Jyoti Anand. The way they used to teach us just made this study so interesting and important for us. When it comes to talk about computer lab, our teacher Dr. Vikesh sethi always taught us not only book syllabus but all types of practical lessons of computer world. Whenever we used to visit library, along with syllabus books and daily updates newspapers and magazines we always got some new knowledgeable things also. Only at this place I could set my life goal and by God grace and blessings of my teachers I achieved that and today I am a successful person as managing director of a high school. I also participated in youth festival in 2005 and sharpened my core skill as dance performer in supervision of prof J.L. Thakkar. I cant forget his co-operation in my selection there. Regular sports and cultural activities was there to enhance each student's inner skills. But all has become memories now.. Whenever these days I visit my college, I just get lost into sweet memories with my college. I prey to God to take my college to the sky height in the world. proud to be an MM Collegian...
Ravinder Kumar Alumnus
I feel honoured and privileged to be a part of this college. My journey of 3 years have been the most nourishing and valuable experience with the help of great mentors who have always been so supportive, guiding students and providing them with a helping hand at every step. The college provides students with an environment and opportunities to sharpen their skills in every sphere of life both professionally and personally through various academic as well as cultural activities which takes out the best out of every student and prepare them well for a bright future. My heartfelt thanks to this organisation for enriching my life in many ways. May this organisation keeps on growing in the same way and achieves greater heights of success and excellence.
Shweta Thakral Alumna
Life in M.M. College fatehabad has been a completely enriching experience. It provided me numerous platforms to showcase my talent. The leadership skills which were ingrained in me while organizing Seminars, Workshops, academic and non-academic events in the Campus would always stand me in good stead. It's a "Home-away from home". M.M.PG.College and its Professors offers a blend of learning , amusement and integration of enduring principles.It provides a wide arena of the field and thus I got to learn something new with every subject.What amazed me is the plethora of extra curricular activities that the College offers hence compelling every student to explore and pursue his/her extra talents. The College manages both the areas extremely well and a student always finds himself in a pool of never ending oppurtunities.The College's library serves as the ultimate answer to all our queries in terms of no of books, papers, periodicals and helping staff. The Computer lab and the Whole infrastructure of the College speaks for itself
Punit Kumar Alumnus
This is a glorious moment for me when I am writing few words about my college. The journey to M.M. College is very interesting & enthusiastic. Apart from excellence in academic experience, I also gained the benefits of being a part of faculty member in this college. I got infinite love and lessons from my teachers as well as my colleagues. My college days were unforgettable and in fact the most happiest and fruitful. Just want to thank to the wonderful faculty of MMC. I cherish every moment of my college. Love and regards to my well wishers. Thanks
Deepika Alumna
कहते हैं कॉलेज मतलब नॉलेज, सिर्फ तुकबंदी है इसलिए नही बल्कि मैं इसका जीवंत उदाहरण हूँ। किसी महाविद्यालय का विज्ञान संकाय का विद्यार्थी यदि कला के क्षेत्र में अपना योगदान दे रहा हो तो इसका अर्थ है कि शिक्षा के दौरान उसका व्यक्तित्व हर तरह से तराशा गया है और मेरे लिए यह काम किया मनोहर मेमोरियल महाविद्यालय ने। विद्यालय में जो वाक्पटुता, वक्तव्य और लेखन के साथ साथ अन्य गुणों का जन्म हुआ उसे कॉलेज ने पाल-पोस कर परिपक्व किया और मेरे व्यक्तित्व को निखारने का काम किया जिसके लिए महाविद्यालय का शुक्रगुजार होना जरूरी है। हमेशा प्राचार्य, प्रोफेसर और हर तरह के कार्यरत विभाग के लोग सदैव साथ रहे है और हर तरह से साथ निभाया। स्थापना से अभी तक विद्यार्थीयों को परिपक्व और प्रशिक्षित नागरिक बनाकर समाज में अपना योगदान और देश की प्रगति में साथ देते कॉलेज को शुभकामनाएं और विश्वास है कि यह अपना कर्तव्य महाविद्यालय हमेशा ऐसे ही निभाता रहेगा।
Lalit Alumnus

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